Content Design / UX Writing



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  • How do you get seven team members on the same page about serial commas?

  • How do you make sure everyone’s using the same terminology when talking about the product? (And capitalizing the same things?)

  • How do you ensure that content creators across multiple departments all speak with the same voice?

  • How do you standardize grammar, spelling, and even image choices so every piece of content is clear, consistent, and on brand?


How do you do all that? It’s called a Style Guide.

In my first few months with Skuid, I started building one, leveraging style materials I’d acquired at previous companies as well as style best practices. My team hashed out issues as they arose, coming to agreements about terminology, grammar, capitalization (blood was shed over that one) and even “how to give good [screen] capture”—with each subsequent resolution going into the Style Guide.

The Guide—which lives on a private intranet—is a valuable reference for every department in the company (and a handy tool to resolve content controversies).